Make Your Next
WordPress Website.
Building WordPress Websites Is Now Faster & Easier Than Ever Before.
Whatever demo you choose and however you make it your own, we know
you’ll have a website to be proud of.
Introducing Smart
More Than Just A
WordPress Theme.
Smart gives you the power of building anything that you ever imagined. You can start with any of the demos included for free and give them your unique style.
One-Click Demo Import
Save Hours, Create In Minutes
Because Customizing is easier than starting from scratch, you can start importing any of the Smart 30+ packed demos and choose from a selection of 150+ of amazing pre-designed layouts.
Please, try a different combination.
WooCommerce Ready
Your Online Store. Sell Anything, Beautifully.
Whether you’re a small boutique or a large business, you can sell without limits by creating a beautiful online store for your business.
Impressive Portfolios
Create a Seductive Portfolio.
Increase Your Exposure. Showcase Your Work With Any Of The Beautiful Portfolio Layouts.. Grow Your Client List. Whether You're An Artist, Photographer, Digital Creative, Agency, Smart is the perfect tool to present your ideas online.
Multiple Layouts
You can display your work in – literally – 100+ different ways. Build the grid you need with stunning effects.
Integrated Slider
The perfect solution for those who wants to demonstrate project images and videos in a superb way.
Easy To Use
Publish and categorise your portfolio of projects using the familiar WordPress interface.
Detailed Information
Include full project details such as cover images, galleries, categories, client details and projects URLs.
Tell Your Story
Blog Beautifully. Share Your Voice.
Create a beautiful blog to share your passion with the world. Students, parents. Poets, photographers. Scientists, activists. Millions of bloggers tell their stories with WordPress.
Visual Composer. Coding Skills Not Required.
Smart comes packed with a highly tailored version of the widely used Visual Composer plugin. You will be able to create the stunning pages you've been waiting for and all with the simplicity of drag & drop.
With Smart, anything is possible. Whatever demo you choose and however you make it your own, we know you’ll have a website to be proud of.
But don’t just take our word for it. See How You Can Start Creating Now.
Multiple Header &
Navigation Layouts
Pick the perfect header & navigation
style for your website.
Tons of Sweet Features
Everything you’ll ever need, and then some more. Put your creativity font and center and create your amazing website with Smart. Absolutely no coding knowledge required.
Created & Supported by The Best.
Everything you’ll ever need, and then some more. Put your creativity font and center and create your amazing website with Smart. Absolutely no coding knowledge required.
Start Building With Smart.
Get started with Smart today. Amazing elements, stunning templates, powerful options, easy customization, and creative solutions are all just a click away.
Created with by your friends at NiceThemes.